Sports Acupuncture The Meridian Test and Its Applications 9780939616664 Medicine Health Science BooksFree PDF ReaderSports%20Acupuncture%20The%20Meridian%20Test%20and%20Its%20Applications%209780939616664%20Medicine%20Health%20Science%20Books OFD
The meridian test (or M-test) is a powerful assessment, treatment, and self-care system that can be used to improve athletic performance and physical fitness. It simplifies the assessment of strain and injury so that even nonacupuncturists and athletes can learn to apply massage and stretching more effectively. The M-Test is one of the most popular methods of sports acupuncture in Japan. Developed by Mukaino Yoshito, M.D., of the Sports and Health Science Department at Fukuoka University,the M-Test is based on his extensive experience in physical education and sports medicine. The M-Test uses the meridian system of acupuncture to analyze the movements of multiple joints and muscles in a holistic way. The most suitable meridians for treatment are identified by evaluating a sequence of movements. Flexibility and ease of movement in relation to the meridians are assessed to identify the areas and muscles that need treatment. Based on the M-Test results, the synergistic action of the joint
Mukaino Yoshito, M.D.,Sports Acupuncture The Meridian Test and Its Applications,Eastland Press,0939616661,General,Acupuncture points,Acupuncture points.,Athletic Injuries - therapy,Meridians,Sports Medicine - methods,Sports injuries - Alternative treatment,Sports injuries;Alternative treatment.,Sports medicine,Sports medicine.,Health, Mind Body / Alternative Medicine,Acupressure Acupuncture,Alternative treatment,Health Fitness/Acupressure Acupuncture (see also Medical - Acupuncture),MEDICAL / Sports Medicine,Medical,Non-Fiction,SPORTS RECREATION / General,SPORTS RECREATION / Training,Sports Recreation,Sports injuries,Sports training coaching,TEXT,Training
Sports Acupuncture The Meridian Test and Its Applications 9780939616664 Medicine Health Science Books @
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